Monday, October 10, 2011

I Did Forget the Ontological Argument

Hello again all!

If you read my last post (that is, the one not about hyperlinks, but the one before that), then you should know that there is an ontological argument for the existence of our school. However, apparently thinking about my soul mate with blue eyes and brown hair distracts me from ontological arguments, because I never did complete the ontological argument that I was going to make.

As you know from the great scholastic Anselm, I can conceive of a perfect law school. The law school would be more perfect if it did exist than if it did not. Therefore, the perfect law school does exist, and its name is the Brown University School of Law. This kind of argumentation has no fallacies, and can be used to prove the existence of other things, such as perfect islands.

Now, at this point you may be scratching your head and saying wtf. That is what I did the first time I heard the ontological argument. Also, you may be scratching your head in wonderment of how BS Law both exists and does not exist. You also might have head lice. But that's the magic of BS Law. It's always there for you, even when it isn't. It is the most mythological law school ever, what with its unicorns and ponies and library-castles that float in the air, hovering menacingly over Harvard Law School as their students run in terror from our laser beams, and, just as there is an argument for the most perfectest law school, there is an argument for the most mythological law school. It goes like this. I can conceive of a law school where no other law school could be more mythical. It would be more mythical if this law school did not exist. Therefore, the most mythical law school (that's us) does not exist.

That's it folks. We both do and do not exist. That fact brings the very essence of logic to its knees. May it beg for the mercy we do not have.

All the best!

Dean Brown

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