Sunday, February 20, 2011

Welcome to Our Blog!

Welcome, everyone, to the first post for the Brown University School of Law's blog! The Admissions Team is very excited to jump into this new publicity format, and we hope very much that our posts will offer useful guidance to potential applicants. Questions about personal statements? Want to know more about the review process? Ever curious to know what Adcoms do on their weekends and days off? All these and more will be answered in future posts! We will do our best to serve your needs!

Now, I know that most of you are familiar with Brown Law, so I won't go into much detail about us. No use in singing to the choir, right? Our ivory tower can been seen from anywhere, so graduates are free to name drop us at your next high school reunion--I'm sure your fellow classmates will be sufficiently impressed.  Prestige definitely has its perks! This is at least one advantage we have over some of our peers that don't quite share our name recognition, such as the University of Chicago or NYU. Arguably, these two law schools are better than we are, since they exist while we do not, but a Brown Law grad will jump straight to the center of admiration when he announces his education credentials, whilst the Chicago grad takes 10 minutes to explain that Chicago is one of the best law schools in the country, and is not some third rate state college. Alas, the sad fate of the Chicago grad, to be among the best while nobody can immediately see it.

Brown Law has seen some good times in recent rankings. In the Buzzle "Best Law Schools in America" ranking, ( Brown managed to usurp the #3 title from Stanford. As the article states, we have a great law library. Not only is the library heavy in the theoretical content, the building itself is entirely a theoretical construct of one's own devising. When I think of the Brown Law Library, I think of a huge Ivory Castle suspended in midair, about ready to fall and smash the bejeezus out of Harvard at any moment. And, yes, our library has unicorns. Some of them serve as our librarians. So if you're a prepubescent girl, you should think of Brown Law as your Dream School (because that's what it is).

Oh, did I also forget to mention the prestige of our faculty? I probably did, but Princeton Review did not.  They evaluated us to have the best professors! We are pleased by this, as our faculty members strive to not only think outside the box, but to exist outside the box. And, by box, I really mean the material universe. Sure, sometimes they suffer from really deep existential crises, but who hasn't questioned their existence at some point or other in their lives? We all can learn from Descartes there. In any case, here is the undoctored image showing our recent Princeton Review rating:, courtesy of Faculty Lounge ( Our professors are never dull, and there is never any boundary between professor and student. Indeed, in their nonexistence, they are one and the same. So, at Brown Law, you get to learn alongside, with, and in your professor. Take that Yale!

In any case, I hope that this blog really takes off, as I know that you potential Brown Law applicants want the "inside scoop" into the Brown Law admissions process!

Until next time, the bacon saves the eggs.

Metaphysically yours,

Brown Law Admissions Team


  1. Wow, I'm really excited that Brown Law finally has an admissions blog! Maybe they'll finally tell us how to apply! OR, maybe they're so selective that, if you don't know how to apply, you never will?

    In any case, awesome blog!

  2. I'm so glad that you started this blog. Brown Law has always been one of my top choices.. Princeton Law School is a close second. How much is tuition? Hopefully, nonexistent as well!

  3. Thanks for your interest Prospie!, I look forward to reading your application someday. While the fine folks over at Princeton Law run a program quite similar to ours, I believe that Brown Law has the better faculty and classroom experience. And, yes, tuition is nonexistent, and there is financial aid available.

  4. My personal statement was not very imaginative. Therefore, I am currently stuck at Yale. However, I am trying to transfer to Brown because Brown graduates are very competitive in the market I am trying to break into: I am pursuing a career in dream appeals.

  5. We're sorry to hear about your unfortunate position getting stuck at Yale, especially since they have a particularly lousy program in dream appeals. Brown, however, has a great program, and we think that there's big money to be had in dream appeals. Just think--how many dreams go unappealed each year? Far too many, if you ask me. So I hope you spruce up your personal statement and send it to us, and maybe you can set your career path on the right track next year at Brown Law! Dream big. Fail at that, appeal the dream. Best of luck!
